December 2020

Holiday Finger Foods

Most people get excited about the big holiday meal but I've always loved the finger foods you serve either before or with the meal. My paternal grandmother always got trays of lunch meat, cheese, bread and vegetables and I just loved looking at it all. It was so pretty! It's funny what seemed so special to us as kids. That's still my favorite today, but we're not doing anything so elaborate for just the three of us at home this year.

Beloved Christmas Family Games

My family and I like to sing karaoke at Christmas, so while we'll be doing that at home, we will be deeply missing our annual karaoke fun together all in one house. That said, we have some other fun games to play via zoom.

We're going to try Roll a Reindeer, where you roll dice to build a reindeer from various cut-out parts. You can do this with anything--a snowman, Santa, Buddy the Elf, whatever. We're also going to try some virtual Christmas BINGO. 

The Yule Cat

Have you ever heard of the Yule Cat, Jólakötturinn? It eats people who didn't get new clothes to wear for the winter! It's an Icelandic myth that of course supports the local commerce and encourages people to support the wool industry, but it's also fascinating and fun to study. 

Best December Reads (So Far)

Last week I was in a reading slump and had a tough time finding something that I enjoyed. I thought I might just have to start re-reading some favorites to get me through it. That often works for many people. Luckily I started reading Katrina Leno's first book, The Half Life of Molly Pierce, and I was back in the game! The book was gripping and kept you guessing, and while I didn't love it as much as Summer of Salt I thought it was compelling throughout most of the book.

Neighborhood Drink Swap

Many of us are devastated to have to stay home this holiday season rather than spend it with our loved ones, but here's a festive New Year's idea that you might want to try. Create a group of people (via text, email, etc. and not in person!) to exchange holiday drinks and recipes with one another. It's like a cookie exchange, but with cocktails! Many of us miss having a great cocktail out or at a party this year, and it gets expensive buying ingredients for multiple drinks.

Gifts To Give Back

It's been a difficult year for most people, and if you're looking for someone to cheer up this holiday season, you probably have a wider scope to choose from. It might even include yourself. That's okay. We could all use some festive cheer while we're staying home, distancing and keeping safe.

Israeli Space Security Chief Confirms Existence of Aliens

Earlier this year, it was confirmed that UFOs exist, so why shouldn't there be aliens among us? According to the former Israeli space security chief, Haim Eshed, they definitely exist but don't want us knowing until we're "ready." He also says that he's finally telling the public because his career is established enough for him to be taken seriously.

University of Edinburgh Researches Using Bacteria For Space Mining

     Mining experiments are being conducted in space. They may pave the way for new technologies which could assist human exploration of space and establishment of settlements on other worlds. Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) found that bacteria could be used to extract useful materials from rocks on the Moon and Mars.
