September 2021

Lodge A Complaint With AT&T And Other Actions

If you're as ready and willing to stop state-sponsored fascism and destruction of our lives with their extremist abortion bans, please contact AT&T today to lodge a complaint, asking them to stop meddling with our lives by sponsoring politicians who want to keep people pregnant without support, powerless to top them and with bounties on their heads. Politicians have NO idea how a pregnancy effects a body, from physical injuries, disabilities and death to the economic impact of a lifetime.

Russians Blame U.S. Female Astronaut For Leak In The International Space Station in 2018 - Part 1 of 2 Parts.

Part 1 of 2 Parts
     My last posts were about problems that the Russians are having at the International Space Station (ISS). One of the problems that I talked about involved the finding of a small hole in August of 2018 that appeared to have been drilled in the wall of a Russian module on the ISS

Nuclear Reactors 948 - Boston Dynamics Tests Robot Dog At UK Nuclear Site

     People have been fascinated by humanoid robots for a long time. In Greek mythology, Hephaestus, the blacksmith of the gods on Mount Olympus built mechanical servants and patrol dogs. Down through the centuries, humanoid and animal robots appear again and again in fiction and engineering.

Nuclear Fusion 151 - Research Into Plasma Configurations In Tokamaks Indicates That Negative Triangularity Is A Superior Approach

     There is a race to develop commercial nuclear fusion reactors. A lot of milestones are being passed as the race heats up. Now there are companies who say they expect to have a working prototype in five years. One encouraging fact with respect to current fusion research is that many different types of processes and technologies are being pursued.
