October 2022

Nuclear Reactors 1065 - Combining Artificial Intelligence and Nuclear Power - Part 2 of 2 Parts

Part 2 of 2 Parts (Please read Part 1 first)
Nuclear Power
     Nuclear power is a reliable, low carbon energy source. It can benefit significantly from the incorporation of AI. By combining digital simulations of real nuclear with AI systems, the nuclear industry can optimize complex procedures and improve reactor design, performance and reduce maintenance costs.

Nuclear Weapons 795 - Air and Space Forces Association Held Its Annual Conference on September 21st

     A panel discussion titled America Under Attack — Defending the Homeland was held during the Air & Space Forces Association's 2022 Air, Space & Cyber Conference, at National Harbor, Maryland on September 21st.

Nuclear Reactors 1063 - Russian Actions At Zaporizhzhia Threaten Nuclear Disaster

Zaporizhzhia 2.jpg

Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant

      I have been following the Russian occupation of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in the Ukraine. A lot of damage has been done in and around the plant. There is great international concern that the Russians may do something stupid and release radiation that could spread across Europe. Now comes a report about possible problematic Russian actions at Zaporizhzhia that could lead to a nuclear disaster.

Nuclear Reactors 1062 - U.S. Department Of Energy Is Studying Transitioning Retired Coal Power Plant Sites To Nuclear Power Plants

Siting a nuclear power plant at the site of a recently retired coal power plant is referred to a coal-to-nuclear (C2N) transition. Such conversions could help increase the U.S. nuclear capacity to over three hundred and fifty gigawatts. The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) report on C2N conversions is titled Investigating Benefits and Challenges of Converting Retiring Coal Plants into Nuclear Plants.
