January 2021

Defying Our Constitution

How is it possible that the same people who routinely chant "Lock her up!" years after an election is over are truly the criminals who defy the Constitution and other precedents left and right, from holding rallies at the White House to taking down a president's portrait, calling election officials to demand ballots be "found" to filing dozens of lawsuits against a U.S. election... Seriously, how are these people still in office, let alone not arrested for treason?

Welcome, Cori Bush!

Every milestone in the past few elections has been so exciting to witness, from more women, more people of color, more LGBTQ representation, more indigenous people, all elected into office. Missouri just welcomed another wonderful person to celebrate as our first Black woman in the U.S. House, Cori Bush!

Grateful Dead Bath Salts

Ever since learning about the benefits of a good bath, I've been on the hunt for more ways to stick a bath in my routine. I normally struggle to find time for basic self-care, even while at home, so it's been a challenge. One thing I've learned is that if I buy a bath bomb or salts, I make it a priority to use what I've spent my money on! I'm sure many can relate to that kind of prioritization.

Season 4 Is Hopper's Best

With so many friends reading a certain book sequel filled with nostalgia for nostalgia's sake and me abstaining because I can't stand the main character and his horrible views, attitude and behavior, I'm re-watching Stranger Things because it's my favorite source of nostalgia and SO much more wholesome. I can't wait for season four, and according to David Harbour, it's going to be the best season for Hopper.

Subversive Crafting

When art makes a bold statement, it can really make you think. Sometimes it's not pleasant. Once I took a group of kids on a field trip to the Contemporary Art Museum where a violent video played on repeat as an artistic commentary. Other times, it just pulls at your gut--like when we see photos of the groceries of one family next to those of another less fortunate family.

Nuclear Reactors 855 - The US Department Of Ecology Has Chosen To Fund Five Projects To Develop Advanced Nuclear Reactors

     The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) has chosen to fund five projects for the development of advanced nuclear reactor designs. The reactors will be constructed by private industry. The funding is part of the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP) at the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy. The initial thirty-million-dollar fund will grow to as much as six hundred million dollars in the next seven years.

Radioactive Waste 790 - David Bowen Hired To Be The Nuclear Waste Program Lead For Washington's Department of Ecology In Richland

David Bowen.gif

David Bowen

     David Bowen was just hired as the Nuclear Waste Program lead for Washington’s Department of Energy (WDoE) in Richland, Washington. He will be dealing with the cleanup of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation which is one of the most radioactively polluted places on the planet. Part of his job is to hold the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) accountable for its cleanup at the site under the Three Party Agreement.

Radioactive Waste 789 - Wet Storage Of Spent Nuclear Fuel Versus Dry Storage - Part 3 of 3 Parts

Part 3 of 3 Parts (Please read Part 1 and Part 2 first)
     One of the leading companies that manufactures dry casks for the storage of spent nuclear fuel is Orano. They have been researching, developing and constructing dry casks for four decades. Orano is the first manufacturer of dry casks to work with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
