Healing Crystals for Building Confidence

Healing Crystals for Building Confidence

There are few of us in this world who couldn’t do with a little more confidence.  Some believe that if you have confidence, everything else just naturally falls into place.  If you are in need of a dose of confidence, try these healing crystals for building confidence.  All three are bright, cheerful colors that blend nicely together in necklaces and bracelets.

Citrine is a pale yellow quartz stone that is reminiscent of the lighter shades on a spring daffodil.  Beware when shopping for citrine, because stones that are dark in color are likely to be heat-treated amethyst and not genuine citrine.    Citrine is said to stimulate creative thinking, free the mind of inhibitions and provide inspiration.  Citrine supports hormone balance, enhances vitality and lifts depression.

Amber is not really a stone, but fossilized tree sap that forms a hard resin, trapping within it anything that was caught in the sap.  You can find complete insects and other fascinating finds in amber.  In crystal healing, amber is restorative to stomach, kidneys and spleen and supports the immune system.  It stimulates a positive mental attitude and restores confidence.  Amber is popular for children’s teething jewelry because it gives off succinic acid that has analgesic properties.

Orange Calcite
Calcite is from the limestone group, and is found in about four percent of the earth’s crust, making it quite common.  In crystal healing, calcite enhances creativity, helps solve problems and balances the digestive system.

Combining these three can’t help but create a cheering effect, hinting of summer and sunshine.