Healing Crystals to Calm Allergic Reactions

Healing Crystals to Calm Allergic Reactions

As we near the onset of allergy season, many of us are cringing with dread at the thought of the congestion, rashes and misery that comes with it.  From the glorious flowers of spring to the stately pine trees, it can be hard to enjoy the beauty of nature when you spend your time sneezing into a tissue.  These healing crystals are believed to help aid the body to prevent allergic reactions.

Easily obtained from Australia, Brazil, Britain and Mexico, hematite is a very common form of iron ore.  It can be magnetized and is very popular in jewelry this way.  In crystal healing, hematite is believed to cleans the blood, support circulation, energize the system and shield from negativity.

Bloodstone is one of the most popular stones in my jewelry.  People are drawn to this stone like no other, and it is easy to see why when you look at its deep green beauty, filled with mystery.  In crystal healing, bloodstone is cleansing to the blood, strengthening to the body and good at promoting overall health.

Rose Quartz
Pale, delicate rose quartz is such a feminine stone.  Its natural beauty pays homage to the allure and wonder of the female spirit.  In crystal healing, rose quartz supports the heart, eases anxiety and awakens the appreciation of beauty.

I find the combination of rose quartz and hematite to be particularly striking, combining feminine with masculine in a look that is hard to ignore.

Perhaps a little hematite, bloodstone or rose quartz tucked in with your tissues will help prevent the need to use them!