Healing Crystals for Surgical Recovery

Healing Crystals for Surgical Recovery

The timing for this post is great, as I am currently recovering from an emergency cesarean section surgery.  Any time there is major stress to the body, such as a surgery, we need to take it easy and do our best to focus on recovery.  The following stones are believed to assist in surgical recovery and aid the body in knitting itself back together.

Amber is not a stone, but fossilized tree resin.  It can preserve seeds, nuts and insects from thousands of years ago, and has been used in jewelry since the Stone Age.  In crystal healing, amber supports the immune system, and strengthens and restores the stomach, kidneys, spleen, lower back, pelvis and reproductive organs.

Rose Quartz
Rose quartz, a delicate pale pink stone originating in Brazil, India, Madagascar and the United States, is renowned for its healing abilities and beautiful feminine hues.  In crystal healing, rose quartz  supports the heart, eases anxiety and fear and is said to increase fertility.

Chrysoprase is a beautiful delicate green color that would go excellently with the pale pink of rose quartz for combined healing effects.  In crystal healing, chrysoprase eases negative feelings, promotes joy, helps bring relaxation and promotes restful sleep.

Amber, rose quartz and chrysoprase are all ideal stones if you are looking to allow your body to mend and heal itself.  A dainty bracelet of rose quartz and chrysoprase would have the joyous look of spring, with its soft greens and pinks.  An accent of sterling silver would finish such a bracelet very nicely.