Be a Traveling Jewelry Merchant

Be a Traveling Jewelry Merchant

There must be a little gypsy in my blood, because I think the idea of becoming a traveling jewelry merchant at craft shows and fairs sound just about like the most perfect thing in life.  The freedom of coming and going as you choose, selling things you make and are a part of you, and meeting interesting people all across the country, seems so cool, so romantic, that I don’t know why more people don’t.

While the reality is much less romantic than the concept, there are people who make a living doing just that.  Look at Arizona, where there is a huge seasonal trade in both gemstones and finished jewelry.  People work all year to sell at those big shows, and they make enough to just do it once a year.

Others travel all over, selling at Renaissance fairs and craft shows.  There are books published on the circuits, so you can plan your route from state to state.

Being successful would mean making a lot of sacrifices, and being willing to live on little during lean times.  You would need a lot of self-motivation and the ability to save for rainy days, but to me, the benefits would be well worth the sacrifice.  Imagine the things you could see and experience on the road, from national monuments to hidden treasures.

While being a traveling jewelry merchant is probably not the life for me, it sure does have its appealing points.  Maybe someday, when the kids are grown and life is more settled…