February 2012

When it Comes to Shopping for Jewelry, Listen to Your Instincts

One of the most important aspects of healing stones is how they make you feel.  I believe we are instinctually drawn to the stones that our body and mind need at a particular time, and for that reason, I recommend going with how a piece of jewelry makes you feel, rather than just how it looks.

Does Commercializing Gemstones Diminish Their Value?

Many years ago, gems were a common trade item with a very high value.  If you had one or two gemstones, you could afford to live well.  These days, you can buy a strand of gemstones for a few dollars, and it leaves me wondering if perhaps they are losing their mystique and value, now that they have been commercialized.

Books about Healing Crystals

Even the ancients believed stones and gems have healing properties, and this knowledge has been passed down over the years, refined as our understanding grew.  Now, you can find out the healing properties of just about any stone known to man, simply by picking up a book.  There are many books that will tell you some information, but these books about healing crystals are truly informative.

Healing Crystals to Calm Allergic Reactions

As we near the onset of allergy season, many of us are cringing with dread at the thought of the congestion, rashes and misery that comes with it.  From the glorious flowers of spring to the stately pine trees, it can be hard to enjoy the beauty of nature when you spend your time sneezing into a tissue.  These healing crystals are believed to help aid the body to prevent allergic reactions.

Healing Crystals for Building Confidence

There are few of us in this world who couldn’t do with a little more confidence.  Some believe that if you have confidence, everything else just naturally falls into place.  If you are in need of a dose of confidence, try these healing crystals for building confidence.  All three are bright, cheerful colors that blend nicely together in necklaces and bracelets.