March 2023

Nuclear Reactors 1195 - The Tennessee Valley Authority Is Collaborating With Three Other Companies To Build Small Modular Reactors At The Clinch River Site

     The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a federally owned electric utility corporation in the United States. TVA's service area covers all of Tennessee, portions of Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky, and small areas of Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia.

Nuclear Fusion 115 - Kyoto Fusioneering Is Collaborating With Other Fusion Researchers To Develop Materials For Fusion Reactors

     Japan’s Kyoto Fusioneering (KF) and the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) have just signed a collaboration agreement to develop fusion related technologies. The first project of the collaboration will be to develop a ‘fusion-grade’ silicon carbide composition system.

Radioactive Waste 898 - Army Corps Of Engineers Is Testing Coldwater Creek For Radioactive Contamination

     When U.S. nuclear weapons were developed in the 1940s and 1950s, the enrichment of uranium was carried out carelessly at many facilities around the U.S. Clean up of the radioactive waste generated by the enrichment is still going on.

Radioactive Waste 897 - Deep Isolation Released A Study On The Disposal of U.K Spent Nuclear Fuel

     A study conducted by Deep Isolation on behalf of the U.K.’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) concluded that deep borehole disposal cannot replace the U.K.’s need of a geological repository for nuclear waste. However, it may have a useful role to play in the disposal of some of the U.K,’s nuclear waste inventory.

Nuclear Reactors 1194 - Urenco Announces That It Is Pulling Out Of The U-Battery Project

      Urenco is an international supplier of enrichment services and fuel cycle products for the civil nuclear industry, serving utility customers worldwide. It has just announced that it is withdrawing its support for the U-Battery advanced modular reactor (AMR) Project. It said that it had “exhausted its attempts to secure the commitment of new commercial investors”.

Colonizing - Reseacrhers At The University Of Manchester Are Working On Building Materials For The Moon and Mars


     One of the many challenges of constructing buildings in space is that it will require cost-effective building materials generated on site. It would be prohibitively expensive to be launching bricks and mortar into space.
