April 2023

Nuclear Reactors 1205 - The European Union Is Trying To Eliminate Russian Nuclear Technolgy And Fuel Imports - Part 2 of 2 Parts

Part 2 of 2 Parts (Please read Part 1 first)
     The controversial Belene nuclear project has roiled Bulgarian politics since it was initially proposed forty years ago. In 2012, the Belene nuclear project was formally shelved.

Nuclear Reactors 1204 - The European Union Is Trying To Eliminate Russian Nuclear Technolgy And Fuel Imports - Part 1 of 2 Parts

Part 1 of 2 Parts
     European states want to free their energy supply from all Russian influence. In order to do that, they will have to detach themselves from Russian nuclear supplies in the long run.

Nuclear Reactors 1202 - MIT Researchers Raised Issues With Respect To The Possible Closure Of All U.S. Nuclear Power Plants - Part 1 of 2 Parts

nuclear power plant 2.jpg

Nuclear Power Plant

Part 1 of 2 Parts
     About one fifth of the electricity generated in the U.S. today is produced by commercial nuclear power plants. The country has ninety-two operating nuclear reactors. This is the largest nuclear fleet in the world.
