June 2024

Nuclear Reactors 1404 - Russia Is Expanding Its New SMR Project From One To Two Reactors

     Russian regional and federal ministries are “actively working” to change the existing plans for Russia's first land-based small modular reactor (SMR) project in Yakutia. They want to expand the project into a two-reactor scheme, after assessing likely future energy demands.

Nuclear Fusion 73 - Ontario Power Generation Is Collaborating With Stellarex To Explore Nuclear Fusion For Ontario

     Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Stellarex Inc to investigate the development and deployment of fusion energy in Ontario. The MoU will see them work together to identify potential future siting and deployment of a stellarator fusion energy device in the province.

Nuclear Reactors 1403 - Lowy Institute Sponsors Annual Polls In Australia About Public Attitudes Towards Nuclear Power

     Australian attitudes towards energy sources have shifted significantly according to the 20th edition of the Lowy Institute's annual poll. Six in ten Australian are now supportive of Australia using nuclear power to generate electricity.

Radioactive Waste 931 - The U.S. Department Of Energy Is Developing The Atlas Railcar To Transport Spent Nuclear Fuel


Atlas Railcar

     The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) developed the Atlas railcar to transport spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. It has been certified by the Association of American Railroads (AAR) to operate on all major freight railroads in the U.S.

Nuclear Reactors 1401 - Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation Of The UAE And Korea Electric Power Cooperation Have Signed A Memorandum Of Understanding

     Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) of the UAE and Korea Electric Power Cooperation (KEPCO) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to increase research and investment opportunities in nuclear energy in third countries.
